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Index: B
- bean adapters: 9.4 Bean Adapters
- 9.4 Bean Adapters
- bean class: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces
- The bean class
- business methods, defining in: The bean class
- 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
- callback methods: 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
- 9.4 Bean Adapters
- client API and: Bean metadata
- constructors, not defining in: Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
- container-managed entity beans: 6.1.5 The ShipBean Class
- create and find methods: Creating and finding beans
- declared fields: 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
- defining: The bean class
- ejb-class element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
- in ejb-jar files: 10.7 The ejb-jar File
- EJB object, wrapping in: The EJB object
- entity beans, defining (example): 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
- find methods, return types for: 6.2.10 ejbFind( ) Methods
- interfaces, exceptions in: 9.5.2 The Business Interface Alternative
- newInstance( ): 6.3.2 The Pooled State
- persistence logic, writing into: 6.2 Bean-Managed Persistence
- private helper method: ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
- remote interface, problems with implementing: 9.5 Implementing a Common Interface
- session beans: 4.3.3 TravelAgentBean: The Bean Class
- EJB 1.2: EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
- stateful session beans: TravelAgentBean: The bean class
- stateless session beans: ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
- bean instances
- business method invocation: Reentrance
- concurrent access to, prohibiting in EJB: 3.2.1 Concurrency
- creating: 6.3.2 The Pooled State
- sequence of events: ejbCreate( ) and ejbPostCreate( ) sequence of events
- EntityContext, assigning to: 6.2.3 EntityContext
- initializing with ejbPostCreate( ): ejbPostCreate( )
- intra-instance method invocation: Reentrance
- life cycle of: Overview of state transitions
- Overview of state transitions
- (see also life cycle)
- passing reference to EntityContext: 6.1.7 The EntityContext
- pooling: 6.1.7 The EntityContext
- 6.1.7 The EntityContext
- 6.2.10 ejbFind( ) Methods
- Ready state: 6.3.3 The Ready State
- reentrance: Reentrance
- swapping: Overview of state transitions
- bean-managed persistence (see under persistence)
- Bean Managed transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined
- bean-managed transactions: 8.5 Explicit Transaction Management
- 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans
- exceptions in: 8.7.3 Bean-Managed Transactions
- transaction propagation: 8.5.1 Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
- beans: Creating and finding beans
- (see also bean class; bean instances; individual bean categories)
- assembling into application: 10.6 Describing Bean Assembly
- connections to containers: EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
- creating and finding: Creating and finding beans
- describing in enterprise-bean element: 10.5 Describing Beans
- finding: 5.1 Locating Beans with JNDI
- handles: The bean handle
- identity, comparing for: Comparing beans for identity
- non-transactional: 8.4 Non-Transactional Beans
- passing by value vs.: 9.2.1 Dependent Objects
- removing: Removing beans
- Removing beans
- signing on to connection factory: 10.5.5 References to External Resources
- source code, downloading from O'Reilly web site: 7.1.1 Downloading the Missing Pieces
- state and sequence diagrams: B. State and Sequence Diagrams
- transactional attributes, specifying in deployment descriptor: 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
- begin( ) (UserTransaction): 8.5 Explicit Transaction Management
- 8.5.3 UserTransaction
- binding objects to names or identifiers: 3.2.5 Naming
- books, ordering online (transactions): 8.1 ACID Transactions
- bulk accessors: 9.2.3 Bulk Accessors
- business concepts: Set and get methods
- entity bean relationships vs.: Maintaining the database mapping
- implementing as entity beans: 2.1 The Enterprise Bean Component
- 6. Entity Beans
- business interface, use by bean class and remote interface: 9.5.2 The Business Interface Alternative
- business logic
- encapsulating into business objects: 1.1.2 Server-Side Components
- encapsulation in stateful session beans: 7.3 The Stateful Session Bean
- problems, representing by application exception: PaymentException: An application exception
- business methods
- bean class, implementing for bean: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces
- bookPassage( ): 7.1.2 The ProcessPayment Bean
- defining in bean class: The bean class
- 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
- 6.1.5 The ShipBean Class
- defining in business interface: 9.5.2 The Business Interface Alternative
- defining in remote interface: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces
- 4.2.1 Cabin: The Remote Interface
- A.1.7 EJBObject
- invocation by clients: Reentrance
- returning wide EJB object type, narrowing remote reference: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
- set and get methods, defining as: 6.1.5 The ShipBean Class
- on stubs: 1.3 Distributed Object Architectures
- The EJB home
- transaction attributes in deployment descriptors: 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
- business objects: 1.1.2 Server-Side Components
- granularity (scope): 9.3 Improved Performance with Session Beans
- as object servers: 1.3 Distributed Object Architectures
- server-side component models, defining responsibilities of: 1.6 CTMs and Server-Side Component Models
- transactions vs.: 8.1 ACID Transactions
- business system transactions (see transactions)
- byte arrays and Java serialization (database mapping): Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
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