The Window object is one of the most important in JavaScript. It
has a number of new features in Navigator 3.0:
- The Window.scroll() method scrolls the
contents of a window to specified x and
y coordinates.
- The Window.focus() and
Window.blur() methods give and remove
keyboard focus from a window. Calling
focus() will raise the window to the top of
the desktop stacking order on most platforms.
- The onfocus() and
onblur() event handlers are invoked when a
window gains or loses the input focus.
- The onerror() event handler of the Window
object is invoked when a JavaScript error occurs; it gives a
JavaScript program the opportunity to handle errors in its own
- The Window.opener property refers to the
Window object that most recently called the
open() method on it.
- The Window.closed property specifies
whether a window has been closed.
- The name property of the Window object is
now read/write, so that windows (including the unnamed initial
window) can change their names for use with the
TARGET attribute of various HTML tags.
- A fourth, optional argument has been added to the method; it allows JavaScript
programs to specify whether the URL loaded into the specified
window should create a new entry in the History array or
whether it should replace the current entry.