*hangulin.txt*  For Vim version 6.1.  Last change: 2001 Sep 03

		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Chi-Deok Hwang and Sung-Hyun Nam

Introduction					*hangul*

It is to input hangul, the Korean language, with VIM GUI version.
If you have a XIM program, you can use another |+xim| feature.
Basically, it is for whom has no XIM program.


Next is a basic option. You can add any other configure option. >

   ./configure --with-x --enable-multibyte --enable-fontset --enable-hangulinput

And you should check the feature.h. If |+hangul_input| feature is enabled
by configure, you can select more options such as keyboard type, 2 bulsik
or 3 bulsik. You can find keywords like next in there. >

	/* #define X_LOCALE */
	/* #define SLOW_XSERVER */

Environment variables

You should set LANG variable to Korean locale such as ko or ko_KR.euc.
If you set LC_ALL variable, it should be set to Korean locale also.

VIM resource

You should add nexts to your global vimrc ($HOME/.vimrc). >

	:set fileencoding=korea


You can change keyboard type (2 bulsik or 3 bulsik) using VIM_KEYBOARD
or HANGUL_KEYBOARD_TYPE environment variables. For sh, just do (2 bulsik): >

    export VIM_KEYBOARD="2"
or >

If both are set, VIM_KEYBOARD has higher priority.

Hangul Fonts

You can set text font using $HOME/.Xdefaults or $HOME/.gvimrc.
But to use Hangul, you should set 'guifontset' in your vimrc.

$HOME/.Xdefaults: >
    Vim.font: english_font

    ! Nexts are for hangul menu with Athena
    *international: True
    Vim*fontSet: english_font,hangul_font

    ! Nexts are for hangul menu with Motif
    *international: True
    Vim*fontList: english_font;hangul_font:

$HOME/.gvimrc: >
    set guifontset=english_font,hangul_font

attention! the , (comma) or ; (semicolon)

And there should be no ':set guifont'. If it exists, then Gvim ignores
':set guifontset'. It means VIM runs without fontset supporting.
So, you can see only English. Hangul does not be correctly displayed.

After 'fontset' feature is enabled, VIM does not allow using 'font'.
For example, if you use >
   :set guifontset=eng_font,your_font
in your .gvimrc, then you should do for syntax >
   :hi Comment guifg=Cyan font=another_eng_font,another_your_font
If you just do >
   :hi Comment font=another_eng_font
then you can see a GOOD error message. Be careful!

hangul_font width should be twice than english_font width.

Unsupported Feature

Johab font not yet supported. And I don't have any plan.
If you really want to use johab font, you can use the
hanguldraw.c in gau package.

Hanja input not yet supported. And I don't have any plan.
If you really want to input hanja, just use VIM with hanterm.

Bug or Comment

Send comments, patches and suggestions to:

				    Chi-Deok Hwang <hwang@mizi.co.kr>
				    Nam SungHyun <namsh@lge.com>


Generated by vim2html on Wed Aug 21 20:50:24 EDT 2002